The movement started when Christy Pierce was confronted with the suicide of a young man in a family close to hers. Initially, she didn’t intend to start a movement or an organization but was moved to action when she discovered the depth of the mental health crisis amongst young people in the United States.
She started listening to the stories of pain and hope in the young people around her and soon realized God was moving her heart towards this community. The result of this movement was the book Shut Up, a collection of stories and research that encouraged people to shut up the destructive voices in their lives in order to embrace the loving voice of God.
The community that was built around the impact of this book became the foundation for the 1024 Movement today.
We believe that God is moving through young people across the country in order to bring healing and hope to those who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. Our goal is to come alongside youth in order to equip them to follow God’s movement.
As a result, young people are not just a part of the 1024 Movement, they are the driving force behind it. From the everyday activities, the initiatives we support, the events we put on to the voice we use to speak, our young leaders impact everything we do.
The 1024 Movement is built on relationships. We are building communities around the country for young people to be equipped, supported and belong to. We are also a network of counselors, teachers, parents and pastors that provide the necessary resources, guidance and support to unleash this generation of leaders to impact their communities.
While we make our best efforts to tackle the problems of the mental health crisis, our ultimate faith is in a God we believe not only cares about this problem, but is actively moving through His people to bring hope into this world. That’s why to us, prayer is a foundational part of what we do. We believe it empowers our efforts and guides us towards impactful decisions.
Christy Pierce is an ordained pastor with a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. She is an author, speaker and mom of 3 college students. Christy has published two books, God Is Whispering To You, and Shut Up: Silence the Negative Thoughts Inside Your Head for teenagers and college students. Before her ministry career, Christy worked for Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole, in presidential campaigns and for the Departments of Labor and Transportation. Christy and her husband, Ben, have been ministering together in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 25 years with their children, dogs, cats and chickens. Christy enjoys traveling with her family, snorkeling, puzzles and gardening.
worked for Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole
ordained pastor with a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary
Conference speaker and author
Started a church with her husband
Started this non-profit - New Hope Peninsula Ministries.
Pastoral Counselor
moving young people away from suicide, anxiety, depression, and towards hope, healing, and hearing from God.
The 1024 Movement is a community of people striving to make a real impact on the mental health crisis this country is facing today. It is a grassroots, relational movement that fundamentally believes that there is hope to be had in a seemingly hopeless situation. Our goal is to equip, support, train, and provide community and mentorship to young people in order to unleash agents of hope in individual communities across the country. We are moving young people away from suicide, anxiety, depression, and towards hope, healing, and hearing from God.
Tara believes that teenagers and 20 somethings are the BEST and can change the WORLD! Tara has served on church staff teams as a youth pastor in both Chicago and in the Bay Area. While Tara served in both youth and young adult ministries, she noticed an increase in young people opening up about struggles with suicide, anxiety, and depression. These issues intensified to new levels during the pandemic and Tara felt called to join the New Hope Staff to make a real difference in what is being called a “youth mental health crisis.” Tara holds two Masters Degrees and certifications in Emotional Intelligence and LifePlanning, which all empower her to help people of all ages to find their calling, purpose, and direction. For fun, Tara enjoys adding to her shoe game collection, traveling, hiking, the beach, and oat milk lattes.
Started and led two on campus ministries as a high school student and then as a college student
holds certifications in Life Planning, Life Coaching, and Emotional Intelligence
holds two Masters Degrees in Organizational Leadership and Executive Coaching from Concordia University Irvine
Innovator of Gen Z and Millennial leadership teams.
Conference key note speaker
"I have loved the Shut Up book and am really excited about the new Lifeline Book that’s now available on amazon. As a 1024 movement intern and speaker, I'm seeing already how much it's impacting people and saving lives."
- Natalie